Our Services
Welcome to a world of IPM Solutions
Proactive Pest Solutions Ltd service technicians have the right skills, the right knowledge and experience to support you in any field; at home, hospital wards, accommodation facilities, hotel kitchens, warehouses or factory production halls…wherever duty calls, we will be right there supporting you
Crawling Insects Control
Most common crawling insects pest you are likely to encounter include;
- German cockroaches
- American cockroaches
- Brown banded cockroaches
- Oriental cockroaches
- Bedbugs
- Ants
- Pavement ants | Sugar ants | Safari ants
- Spiders
- Jumping Insects Pests (crickets, grasshoppers e.t.c)
- Fleas
Flying Insects Control
Most common flying insects pest you are likely to encounter include;
- House flies
- Fruit flies
- Drain flies
- Mosquitoes
- Wasps
- Moths
- Agricultural/Ornamental pests like whiteflies, thrips and aphids
Rodents Control
Most common rodent pests you are likely to encounter include;
- Roof rats
- Norway rats
- Mice
Our Services
What To Expect From Us
All under one roof service delivery.
Whatever the pest, whatever the location or premises.
We’ve got you covered
Housefly Control
We employ a number of Integrated pest Management (IPM) approaches to manage your house fly challenges whatever the facility; be it at home, commercial kitchen, farm, factory e.t.c.
We may recommend and/or perform exclusion, install strategically placed Ultra Violet (U.V) lights, install food baits e.t.c
No one tool is the silver bullet when it comes to fly control. We work with you to find and customize solutions that best suits your situation
Cockroach Control
We are 95% pesticide-free in our indoor cockroach management programs. This means assured minimal risk of contamination of food items or surfaces with chemical pesticides.
Did you know that a single cockroach egg sac carries approximately 30-45 baby roaches inside it ?
This means that a single viable cockroach can potentially start an infestation and overwhelm your premises in 2-3 months.
We like being pro-active, and so we help you plan ahead and take measures to avoid such surprises, especially if you are in food production/food handling facilities
Bedbug Control
We are 100% pesticide-free in our bedbug management programs.
Absolutely ZERO chemicals !
With our pioneer superheated dry-steam technology in Kenya and the region, we guarantee you;
- 100% effective bedbug eradication
- You get to watch bedbugs drop dead on the spot. How cool is that ?
- 100% safe service that is safe even to newborn infants in the room
- Zero risk of health complications like irritable skin, nausea, difficulty in breathing as is common with chemical bedbug treatments
- Zero soilage of beds, mattresses or bedding. Your bedding remain dry as we perform the service with our superheated dry-steam technology
- Immediate use of room, bed and bedding after the service.
Are you in the hospitality industry ?
Our bedbug management program will save you money ! No more down time waiting for treated rooms to dry off or the smell to diffuse away. Our dry-steam technology ensures you allocate rooms as soon as treatment is done.
Ants Control
Struggling with ant control (sugar ants/pavement ants e.t.c) ? We understand your pain
Call us today for customized solutions to your sugar loving pests around your homes and production facilities
Spider Control
Just like other crawling insect pests, spiders when left unchecked, could easily get out of control
Yes, they help us naturally manage other insect pests in the environment. But what happens when you don’t want unsightly spider webs in your homes, accommodation facilities, production halls or even farms ?
Call us today for effective long term solutions to your web-building pests
Wasp/Stinging Insect Control
Having stinging insects build a nest near where your loved ones are or guests are relaxing is never a smiling affair
Especially with the increasing number of members of the public suffering from allergies, wasps and other stinging insects are one sting away from disaster waiting to happen
Call us today for your peace of mind
Rodent Control
Did you know that rodents are extremely intelligent animals ?
Have you realized how your interventions only seem to kill a rat/mouse or two and then nothing ?
It is because you underestimate our furry pests.
Rodents are capable of learning and teaching others clues about their environment. That is why your rat poison and cement mixes in food baits never seems to work.
Our teams have been studying and managing rodents for years. We know a thing or two about rodent biology and their behaviour to help you set up an effective rodent management program for your home or facility
Help is a call away
Termite Control
At Proactive Pest Solutions, we have been managing termites right from pre and post-construction stages of termite treatment
We give you peace of mind as you make your home investment for your loved ones or your large construction projects
Call us today for long term termite solutions
Birds and Small Animals Control
Most common birds and nuisance animal pests you are likely to encounter include;
- Birds of grain storage
- Bats
- Stray cats
- Stray dogs
We customize solutions to effectively manage and help prevent future episodes of target pests at home and commercial facilities
Help is always a call away
Special Offer
Up to 50% off on the next service when booking for multiple pests service plan
Do you have your home/premises under attack from multiple pests e.g crawling/flying insects and rodents (cockroaches, house flies, rodents e.t.c) ?
We structure our payment plan to be as inclusive and as cost effective as possible. When having your home/facility treated for multiple pests. We will waive our fees up to 50% off on the next target pest so that our cost is as pocket friendly as possible.
Are you in commercial spaces e.g restaurant, hotel/hospitality, warehouse etc ? You could make savings by subscribing to our regular treatment plans. So that you stay pest-free round the year at affordable rates
What Are You Waiting For...
Make An Appointment
We are always happy to hear from you.
Do you need to book for service or book for a facility audit and/or quote ?
Our location
Juja, Off Thika Road
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Weekends and Public Holidays: Closed
Phone: +254 706 44 83 44
Email: info@proactivepestsolutions.org